About Us

ARK79 Charity Shop est géré par un groupe de
bénévoles dans le seul but de collecter des fonds pour les animaux maltraités et abandonnés dans le besoin.
The shop will be open every Tuesday from 10.00 – 4pm and every last Saturday from 10 – 2pm
ARK 79
ARK 79 propose des milliers de livres, CD, DVD, vêtements d’occasion, bijoux, cartes de vœux, mercerie, brocante, délicieux gâteaux et plats salés faits maison et bien plus encore.

If you require a collection, within a reasonable distance of the shop, then please talk to us and we’ll help as much as we can.

We are very happy to accept anything in good saleable condition books, bric-a-brac, clothing, household and garden items and furniture.

We also accept towels and bedding for rescue associations and dog and cat food. The dogs and cats are very grateful. Sorry but we cannot take pillows nor any bedding filled with feathers.